Desert Deployment - Day of Action
Join Log Cabin Republicans and Young Republicans for a Day of Action in Palm Desert.
The Log Cabin Republicans of California is partnering with California Young Republicans & Riverside County GOP for a Saturday of door-knocking for candidates Ken Calvert (CD-41), Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh (SD-19), Greg Wallis (AD-47), and Joe Pradetto (Palm Desert City Council District 2).
Log Cabin Republicans is offering a FREE 2-night hotel stay in Palm Desert October 4th-6th for members who sign up for the Desert Deployment Day of Action.
There will be reimbursement for gas mileage and FREE breakfast and lunch will be provided for Saturday's Day of Action.
Space is limited.
Friday Oct. 4th - check in, evening reception
Saturday Oct. 5th - Deployment Day (see flyer for itinerary), evening reception hosted by LCR Coachella Valley!
Sunday Oct. 6th - check out, LCR Coachella Valley Pool Party
Click Here to RSVP